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Danielle Cooper
•    I was born in Portland, Maine and grew up there for most of my childhood.
•    I knew God was calling me in to full-time ministry at a young age.
•    2003-2007: Attended the University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville, PA where I met my husband, Mike, and graduated with a BA in Intercultural
      Communication/World Missions.
•    My husband and I have been married for 10 years (since July 2007) and have two sons- Blake (6) and Landon (1).
•    In 2011, we felt God calling us to NYC so we sold most of our earthly possessions to move from a large suburban home in NJ to a 400 sq. ft. NYC
     apartment with our infant son.  God has been faithful (and has since provided a bigger apartment) and we have loved the adventure!
•    2005:  Missions internship in Thailand and Cambodia
•    2005-2007: Served as youth pastors at Parkview Assembly of God in Newark, Delaware
•    2007-2011: Served as youth pastors/worship pastors at Calvary Hill Church in Glassboro, NJ
•    Moved to NYC in 2011 for Mike to take over a lead pastor position at The Journey Church in Queens, NY.  I currently serve with him there as Director of 
      Worship Arts.
•    I came on staff with The Navigators in September 2015 to help with administrative support for NavWorkplace and NYC.
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