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Videos & Podcasts

Spiritual Multiplication

Jim Luebe's message on Spiritual Multiplication at the Main Event Collegiate Conference 2019.

Born to Reproduce

Born to Reproduce was originally a 47-minute message given to the staff of Back to the Bible in 1955. A message that burned deeply in Dawson Trotman's soul, it was later transcribed and published as a booklet that has been read by thousands over the past 50 years.

The Need of the Hour

Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators, felt that the need of the hour was an army of people dedicated to Christ that believed He is God and the He can fulfill every promise He ever made. Dawson challenges us to have greater faith in building the kingdom of God.

The Prodigal Sons

In the parable of the Prodigal Sons, Jesus redefines God as Father, redefines sin, and redefines salvation. We need the initiating love of the Father to learn to repent for something besides sins and to be moved by the cost of bringing us home.

What is the Bible Really About?
Tim Keller
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